absolute rule by doctors, who by their claim of medical authority, have usurped the constitutional offices of a nation, union of nations, or the world, usually accomplished by suppressing, subverting and surreptitiously replacing the legal authority of elected officials with claims of medical superiority.
- a person who, by their claim of medical authority, usurps constitutional entities to enforce their rule over a nation, union of nations, or the world, and to suppress, subvert, surreptitiously replace, or succeed a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
- any person who, by their claim of medical authority, shares in the usurping of constitutional entities to enforce their rule over a nation, union of nations, or the world, and to suppress, subvert, surreptitiously replace, or succeed a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Related: medical-supremacists.